Tangles of Personality Traits
Tangles finding personality types from survey data
On our GitHub site we offer two interactive tutorials for how to find, and analyse, what the Tangles book calls mindsets: tangles in survey data that specify some concrete ways of answering the survey found to be typical for how the survey participants answered it.
The first tutorial takes you through an example based on a survey of personality traits. It finds some combinations of traits that often occur together, and which thereby constitute something like typical personalities. The first link below takes you to a descriptive, read-only, trailer of this tutorial.
The second tutorial is intended for programmers who wish to learn how to find, and analyse, tangles in their own survey data using our software library. The second link below takes you directly to a read-only snapshot of the interactive tutorial itself, in which you can experiment with the code shown to see how the tangles found change accordingly.